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Sounding good?!  


I've asked my clients to write a few words of feedback, advice or encouragement for people thinking about whether to take the leap! They are the experts from experience of course! I’m sure you’ll feel inspired about possibilities for change, when you read how far others have come. I hope it also gives you a more detailed sense of how I could help you on your life journey, from those who have walked the path from struggle to strength themselves. There are no identifying details, not even first names or initials, as, to me, it‘s of utmost importance to protect peoples’ total confidentiality.
Client feedback

Enhancing motivation, focus and presence

My partner says she feels much more able to engage with me as I’m much more present, and by being more present I’m certainly much happier, as I’m actually enjoying my life rather than forever being distracted or off somewhere else in my mind. I can see my children open up with me more too now that I am able to give them the kind of truly deep attention that Eleanor gave to me. My quality of life has really improved, and to whoever is reading this, just give Eleanor a call and let her know what you’re looking for. She has a tremendous capacity to create a sensible and enjoyable approach that makes you actually enthusiastic about learning and growing”

If you decide to work with Eleanor you’ll quickly discover how she can help you bring much more joy into your life. She helped me get much more engaged with people and the things I have to/need to/want to do in things and be much more appreciative of everyday little things that together makes up a rich life. I can tell I’ve benefitted just by the way I’m actually writing about genuinely feeling joy and gratitude in my life, which I didn’t really expect to come so soon. London and life had sort of ground it out of me, but thanks to Eleanor I’ve got a bounce back in my step.”

Everybody’s noticing the changes in my levels of motivation across all areas of life. It’s been really, really helpful to have a regular space with Eleanor every two weeks for addressing my concerns amid the busy-ness of my life. I decided it was well worth the money to work with her on a regular longer term coaching basis, after my therapy had come to an end, as she is an unbelievable wealth of resources, skill, insight and guidance – and such a great listener. She’s also helped me access the well of my own wisdom, by having a regular space outside of my frantic schedule.


I’m much more focused at work, and my skills in presenting, negotiation and chairing meetings have soared. I actually enjoy public speaking now when I used to be pretty terrified – Eleanor has an unusual knack of making intense things become fun and opportunities to laugh and lighten up seemed to spring up in every session I had with her. I’ve adopted this approach with my family, kids, colleagues and friends and everyone seems much more interested in hearing me out and I like myself a lot more now I’m much more present, but in an easygoing non stressy way.”

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