Try CBT for social anxiety in South London and see how you can find true strength.
Social anxiety is something that most of us will experience at some point or another, and some of us to crippling degree at times. Whether you get nervous about giving presentations, having to share your ideas in meetings, going out on dates, hanging out with a group of friends or going to family gatherings, finding the right help can help you totally change those fear inducing thought patterns, and tendencies to avoid our fears that just makes matters worse over time. By investing in CBT, you can learn how to relate to others in any walk of life, with courage, strength, presence and authenticity, in a truly connected and empowering way that you never thought possible. By taking a bold leap, you can do much more than manage your social anxiety: you could find true freedom.
Eleanor’s personal style in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Coaching is to develop a genuine human to human connection with all her clients in a way that works for everyone. She brings a playful and warm-hearted humour to what be a difficult setting for many, as well as wholehearted empathy and the ability to truly walk her talk, from her own journey out of social anxiety and into genuine 'comfortableness in her own skin' in all settings. You’ll find that you’ll be in great company when working with Eleanor, which of course is particularly important when tackling social anxiety.
With a passion for helping people to go beyond just “coping” in life, and with 20 year's experience enabling people to overcome their social anxiety in a very wide range of settings - from anxiety about sexual intimacy through to anxiety about public speaking - you’ll discover that Eleanor will be able to help you grow as a unique individual, and give you the tools needed to live your very best authentic life.
Dedicated to helping you develop mindfulness and true strength to overcome avoidance with new found confidence, you’ll soon be able to develop much better relationships with other people and also with yourself. If you'd like to learn more about Eleanor and her approach to all things CBT, do have a jolly good browse around the website. Or if you'd like to simply get going with getting support, you can receive a free phone consultation first - just give her a call, or use her online form as a great way of covering all the details in one go.